Thursday 4 August 2016


    How was penicillin discoverd ?? 

: Pencillin was discovered almost by accident. In 1928, Alexander Fleming, a professor of bacteriology at St. Mary's Hospital in london was growing colonies of bacteria in petri dishes. Before going on a vacation, he left a dish of staphylococcus bacteria uncovered for a few days. He returned to find the dish dotted with bacterial growth, apart from one area where a patch of mold,  (Pencilin notatum) was growing. Further testing revealed that the mold,  called penicillium,  produced a substance named penicillin by Fleming inhibited bacterial growth and also later revealed that it killed most varieties of harmful bacteria. It was the first and of the most widely used antibiotics today.

What does 'Vikings' mean?

VIKINGS................................. The vikings came from Norway, Denmark and Sweden. From around AD 800 until   AD 1100, these ...